The Celestial Mechanic and Related Content

The Celestial Mechanic is a monthly publication for both club members and other interested individuals. Every month the newsletter contains information on upcoming AAL events and meetings. Each issue also includes interesting articles, facts and information on astronomy. The current pdf edition of the newsletter, as well as previous pdf editions from the past, can be accessed below:

(An accessible version of the newsletters on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact Bruce Twarog at to request that the content be made available in an accessible format.)


MARCH Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

FEBRUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JANUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)


DECEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

NOVEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

OCTOBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

SEPTEMBER  Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

AUGUST Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JULY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JUNE Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MAY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

APRIL Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MARCH Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

FEBRUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JANUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)


DECEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

NOVEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

OCTOBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

SEPTEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

AUGUST Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JULY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JUNE Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MAY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

APRIL Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MARCH Celestial Mechanic(PDF)

FEBRUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JANUARY  Celestial Mechanic (PDF)


DECEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

NOVEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

OCTOBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF}

SEPTEMBER Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

AUGUST Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JULY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

JUNE Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MAY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

APRIL Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

MARCH Celestial Mechanic (PDF)

FEBRUARY Celestial Mechanic (PDF)